Santa Fe Living Treasures – Elder Stories
While in high school Peach played a two-barrel organ at the Paris Theatre to earn money for college. She played basketball, was a cheerleader, sang in the glee club, and was a member of the drama club. When a South American company came to Santa Fe to perform Rigoletto in the former Elks Theatre, Peach became an opera aficionado. She served as Santa Fe Opera Board president for many years.
Seventeen-year-old Peach graduated from Santa Fe High School in 1922 and began teaching school in Cerrillos. She then studied for a year in Boston at Miss Wheelock's Kindergarten School, and received a scholarship to Colorado College in Colorado Springs, where she was elected president of the junior class at a time when women weren't considered presidential material. Peach graduated summa cum laude and returned to Santa Fe to teach at the Brownmoor School for Girls.
Please see Volume 1 for complete text.
Photo ©1997 by Joanne Rijmes
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