Santa Fe Living Treasures – Elder Stories
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<<Back to Treasures IndexBergere KenneyBELOVED PHYSICIANHonored February, 1988 | Bergere KenneySanta Fe native Bergere Kenney, whose family traces its roots in New Mexico to the time of the Spanish land grants, lived all his life in the town where he was born and raised. His contributions, both professional and cultural, changed the city forever, and helped to make it the Mecca it is today. Born in a little house on Don Gaspar Street in 1921 -- "not a log cabin though, nothing so quaint as that" -- Bergere graduated from Santa Fe High School, received his bachelor's degree from Harvard, and went on to get a medical degree from Northwestern University. After a stint in the army, he returned to Santa Fe in 1948, to practice internal medicine and cardiology.