Santa Fe Living Treasures – Elder Stories

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Marian & Abe Silver Jr.

Marian & Abe Silver Jr.

Honored June, 2008







Marian & Abe Silver Jr.

The most obvious way to indicate the enormous contribution that Abe and Marian Silver have made to this community is to go down the list of the many organizations they have served with leadership, imagination and financial support. The list is long. It includes: the Santa Fe Opera, United Way, College of Santa Fe, Chamber of Commerce, St. Vincent Hospital, Temple Beth Shalom, Rodeo de Santa Fe, Garcia Street Club, New Mexico Commission on the Status of Women, American Cancer Society, Boy Scouts, Santa Fe Boys and Girls Club, Museum of New Mexico, St. Michael’s High School, Spanish Colonial Arts Society, Rotary, Jaycettes, Lions----

But sometimes the most obvious way is not the best way. The list goes on and on, and if every item on it were cited, there would not be space enough on this page nor time enough in this ceremony. So let us consider some other aspects of what the Silvers have given.

First, some background: Marian comes from a prominent merchant family that came to Santa Fe in 1912, the year of statehood, and opened a downtown store. For college she went to New Orleans and there met Abe, a Mississippi native. They married, and chose Santa Fe. For decades they owned one of the city’s most distinctive apparel stores, the Guarantee on the Plaza, the base for all they did.


And what they did might best be summed up in the words of those who nominated them for this award. A few of the comments:

“Since we came here 15 years ago, Abe and Marian have been the proverbial Mr. and Mrs. Santa Fe.

“They are the most upbeat, optimistic people I have ever known.” “Early on I realized this family was different. They have an amazing ability to give back to Santa Fe.” “Perhaps most impressive is that they instilled the same spirit of volunteerism and philanthropy to all three children in their family.” “Individually they are incredible. Together they are unbeatable.” “Abe is a ray of sunshine, and always offers his great sense of humor.” “They have the wonderful ability to put people at ease.” “In Sweden we still like to believe in magical beings that live in the forest. That’s how I see Marian and Abe--as magical beings that pop up when you most need them.”

Story by Richard McCord

Photo © 2008 Steve Northup