Santa Fe Living Treasures – Elder Stories
Anita Gonzales Thomas"It wasn't until I went to St. Francis Parochial School that I began to get acquainted with children who weren't relatives," said Santa Fe native Anita Gonzales Thomas. "My earliest years were on Garcia Street." Her great-grandmother "owned all the land on the 200 block of Delgado Street." Anita's grandmother gave the land she inherited to Anita's father "because he helped to support her after my grandfather died. The rest of the street was all cousins--the Bacas and the Delgados," Anita said. Born in 1908 to Paul and Elizabeth Gonzales, Anita was the oldest of twelve children. Elizabeth was Governor Clyde Tingley's secretary of state in the 1930s. "St. Francis Parochial School was where the La Fonda Hotel is now. When I graduated from eighth grade, I went to the all-girl Loretto Academy, a boarding and day school," Anita recalled. She graduated from Loretto Academy in 1926 and was awarded a scholarship to Loretto Heights College in Denver, Colorado. "Before I went, I had a job at the capitol because the Democrats were in. When I got back, the Republicans were in, so there wasn't a job."